(banZ) by gza released 03.05.97
this is a simple cut and paste addon to ban someone with a reason.
it really sucks but just put this in your %ver
+ (banZ) .1 by gza
to use this paste this stuff.
example of usage:
add ban: /+ban *!*@*.netcom.com netcom really sux
remove ban: /-ban *!*@*.netcom.com
alias section
+ban {
if ($1 == $null) { echo -a (banZ) usage: /+ban
} | else {
.auser 15 $1
if (*2 == $null) set %br cause i can | else { set %br *2 }
write ban.ini $1 (banZ) ( $+ $adate $+ ) ( $+ *2
echo -a (banZ) added $+ $1 $+ to ban list with reason " $+ $+ *2 $+ $+ "
-ban {
if ($1 == $null) { echo -a (banZ) usage: /-ban } else {
.ruser 15 $1
write -ds $+ $1 ban.ini
echo -a (banZ) removed $+ $1 $+ from ban list
remote section
15:on join:#:{ if ($level($address($nick,6)) == 15) && ($me isop $chan) { /mode $chan +b $maddress($address($nick,5)) | /kick $chan $nick $read -s $+ $maddress($address($nick,5)) ban.ini | halt }